Sheila Fox

About me | Why I Write | Fiction: Short Stories | Non-Fiction: Memoir | Contact Me

      Sheila Fox earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Education and a Master of Science degree in Microbiology before she entered the Master of Arts Writing Program at the Johns Hopkins University. She wrote her first short story "Color War"  while attending a workshop taught by Janet Burroway* at the Aspen Writers Conference.  While working towards her M.A. degree, her short stories and memoirs have appeared in literary reviews, magazines and anthologies:

"Color War," published in Readers Break, A Literary Anthology of Short Stories and Poetry.

"I Was A Blowfish," flash ficton published  in Jeopardy,  2000.

"Remembering Papa Stories," a memoir published in BaltimoreLite, 2000, and Maryland, The Land of Pleasant Living, 2001.

"The Wonder of Safari," a short story published in The Orange Willow Tree and The Rockford Review.

"The Lone Ranger," a short story published in Amelia.

"I Was A Blowfish"( 2003) and "Remembering Papa Stories,"  (2004) performed by Ava Lenet at the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation in Maryland.

"The Lone Ranger Falls off Silver," published in HiddenCity Quarterly, an online Baltimore Literary Review in, Fall Issue Vol 1, 2008.

"The Kiss" published in WOW! ( Flash Fiction contest:Honorable Mention. Spring, 2009.

     Before Sheila and her husband David Fox moved to West Palm Beach, Florida, they raised their family in  Baltimore, Maryland. After creating and leading a writers' group in Baltimore for six years, Sheila created and facilitated The Ibis Creative Writers' Workshop in West Palm Beach, Florida.  

     Currently, Sheila Fox is writing her first novel (a work-in-progress): two chapters of the novel have appeared as short stories.

*Creative Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft, by Janet Burroway, is the most widely used creative writing text in America.